Social impact
Our way of doing business
Sense of Initiative, Connection, Responsibility
Our commitment to standards
We are a company founded on values such as Sense of Initiative, Connection, Responsibility and Human Spirit. All these values are codified in our Quality Management System.
Since 2011, in the ISO 9001 certification, we have complemented our focus on others with a structured process approach and adopted an entrepreneurial mindset that balances profit and social commitments. In 2019, we won the Lombardy Region’s ‘Good Practices’ award as a ‘Responsible Company’, achieving the highest score in all areas:
- Environmental sustainability projects
- Quality of Work and Staff Relations
- Initiatives towards Civil Society and Local Communities
- Quality Relations with Suppliers, Customers and Consumers
- Company Governance and Responsible Management.
Mystery Auditing Italia Association
Consistent with the Mystery Coaching® brand, and in the wake of the enthusiasm brought by EXPO in Milan in 2015, we founded the Mystery Auditing Italia Association, committing ourselves to disseminating the "Undercover Audit" methodology (UNI 11312-1:2017) and related personnel certification (designer, coordinator and mystery auditor) (UNI 11312-2:2022)
Following the principle of the circular economy relating to ideas, contents and ethical-deontological principles, we promote the "Made in Italy" through the commitment, with UNI, to develop the only "International Standard" dedicated to the Mystery Audit methodology. We are committed to ensuring that, in 2023, we can bring it, for approval, on the CEN (European Committee for Standardization) regulatory tables.

2030 Agenda
Find out what goals MyNoiLab is committed to based on the Sustainable Development Goals in the UN Agenda towards 2030 with a circular economy perspective

Well-being of people and organisations (3 - Good Health and Well-Being) Support people in organisations to balance performance and personal well-being, productivity and growth targets (8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth). As part of the 1 October event, we will be offering participants free coaching sessions that they can either use themselves or give as gifts to others.

Provide high-quality skills to the market (4 - Quality Education). We will continue our commitment with the AICQ SICEV Professional Register, recognized by ACCREDIA, for the certification of Mystery Auditors. We will continue to provide professional qualification courses with the Mystery Auditing Italia Association and UNI. The social impact of these initiatives aims to bring to the attention of companies and the public administration the need to have a reference model for the mystery audit methodology and also economically recognize the skills of the three professional figures necessary to measure quality of the services provided undercovered.

Provide the tools for women and young people to face the challenges and uncertainty of constant change (5 - Gender Equality). In January 2022, we hired a young man who had not graduated, had been out of work for two years and was looking for an environment in which he could fulfil his potential. In July 2022, we hired a 34-year-old woman with an 18-month-old son who was looking for an environment where she could combine her private and professional life.

Continue to introduce innovation to services through a balance between performance monitoring and organisational development, using technology while respecting the people ‘behind’ it (9 - Innovation).

Develop the application of the Mystery Audit in public administration, with a particular focus on utilities (water, energy, health, bureaucracy, culture, tourism) to detect critical issues and drive sustainable improvement (11 - Sustainable Cities).

Collaborate with the network and non-profit organisations, networking with those who share our values and truly humanly sustainable development approach (17 - Partnership for the Goals). We have always been involved in initiatives with trade associations, ethical finance, environmental and renewable energy companies (one of the partners has a business in this sector)
Our social projects
Our awards
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