About us

Our way
of being you

Our team

We are a company focused on guiding customers through change

The people who work in MyNoiLab, and the network of professionals we work with, have one thing in common: a passion for our customers’ challenges

MyNoiLab relies on a wide network throughout Italy of qualified professionals with certified skills. All the professionals in our team operate in compliance with Law No. 4 of 14/01/13 and refer to the ethical codes of the associations to which they belong.

Our history

We were established in 2010 after winning a tender for innovative companies in Lombardy

MyNoiLab is “our way of being you”, developed by Susanna Gonnella, founder of the company, who expresses her vision and her way of being a woman, entrepreneur, consultant, and professional coach. 

A saying that has become a way of being and acting for everyone in the company.

It is a way of combining structure, organisation, quality, and respect for rules and processes with innovation, sharing, sustainability, and humanity. 

Our values, mission and vision

We are a company founded on values such as Sense of Initiative, Connection, Responsibility and Human Spirit.

We complement our focus on other people with a process-structured approach  and an entrepreneurial mindset that balances profit and social commitment.

Our mission is “to enable change” in organisations. This effectively sums up the purpose of our ISO 9001-certified Quality Management System since 2011, namely: guiding organisations to change through Strategic Consultancyfor organisational development, individual and group coaching, interpersonal skills training, and undercover auditing

In 2019, we won the Lombardy Region’s Best Practices’ award as a ‘Responsible Company’, achieving the highest score.

Our vision is to offer customers a cultural approach to change, namely: “our way of being you”. Guiding the customer through daily challenges, but letting the organisation, with its own approach, ways and processes, to achieve results and learn effective strategies for replicating them over time.

Our network

We strongly believe in the importance of creating dependable partnerships with companies and entities that align with our vision and core values. This philosophy is evident in how we conduct our business and engage with our customers.

We have consistently worked within a network of collaborations, leveraging the diverse skills of our partners. We consider this to be the key to delivering high-quality, customized services tailored to the unique needs of each customer.

Our commitment to the profession

We believe in certifying skills, in using internationally standardised tools and in process accreditation.

Since the establishment of MyNoiLab and the creation of the Mystery Coaching® brand, the Members have been committed to the National Standardization Tables on the UNI 11312 project to guarantee, to the market, a voluntary standard that could include all the ethical-deontological principles and the recommendations of process, to carry out an effective, efficient, structured and respectful Mystery Audit for all interested parties. 

In line with the Mystery Coaching® brand and building on the enthusiasm brought by EXPO in Milan in 2015, we founded the Mystery Auditing Italia Association, committing ourselves to the disclosure of the undercover audit methodology (in accordance with the UNI 11312-1:2017 standard) and relative staff certification (planner, coordinator and mystery auditor) (with the publication of the UNI 11312-2:2022 standard) based on a circular economy of ideas, contents and ethical aspects.

Thanks to this constant commitment, the Public Administration is also starting to include the Mystery Audit activities, in its tenders, as a tool for measuring the quality of public services to the citizen/user for their continuous improvement.