
step by step

How our story began

MyNoiLab was founded in 2010 with the Lombardy Region’s FIMSER "call for proposals", winning with the ‘Mystery Coaching®: an integrated approach serving companies and people’ project.

After more thar 10 years of great results, the company has learned to run proficient and effective Strategic Consultancy for Organisational Development in Companies, working with Entrepreneurs, Managers, HR and Sales Managers, while integrating different fields: Managerial Development, Change Management, Undercover Observation, Professional Coaching and Experiential Training.

The key words of our ‘business entity’

Respect for the environment

How our story began

MyNoiLab was founded in 2010 with the Lombardy Region’s FIMSER "call for proposals", winning with the ‘Mystery Coaching®: an integrated approach serving companies and people’ project.

After more thar 10 years of great results , the company has learned to run proficient and effective Strategic Consultancy for Organisational Development in Companies, working with Entrepreneurs, Managers, HR and Sales Managers, while integrating different fields: Managerial Development, Change Management, Undercover Observation, Professional Coaching and Experiential Training.

The key words of our ‘business entity’

Respect for the environment

How we have changed over the years

MyNoiLab was established under the company name ‘Susanna Gonnella srl’ as a result of the Lombardy Region’s "FIMSER - Fund for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Business Services Sector" call for proposals, after two years of experience in Mystery and Coaching, thanks to Susanna Gonnella’s desire to take a chance.

In 2011, the business model took shape under a Europe-wide registered brand name ‘Mystery Coaching®’. In the same year, the company obtained ISO 9001 certification for "Design and Delivery of Coaching Services" for Individual and Organisational Development, Interpersonal Skills Training and Undercover Auditing.

Through coaching activities, we took part in the "GJUSTI: Green Jobs Università Scuole Territorio Imprese" project toward to secondary school students and financed by the Fondazione Cariplo. Together with 4 partners, we founded the business network called "Areté - imprese in rete" to support the exhibition at Palazzo Reale entitled ‘Guido Crepax, portrait of an artist’.

We have sponsored the Pop Economix Live Show, a Theatre Show on finance and the global crisis. In the year of EXPO2015, we founded the Mystery Auditing Italia Association together with a team of professionals.

MyNoiLab was launched, the new corporate brand that united all our activities.
We moved to our new creative space in Via Ariberto, 31 (Milan).

The new version of UNI 11312 ‘Requirements and guidelines for the undercover auditing process’ was published. .

We celebrated 10 years of coaching in the profit and non-profit sector.

We have consolidated our specialisation in Organisational Coaching with ongoing projects in Individual Coaching, Group Coaching, Team Coaching, Human Resources Development Consulting and Mystery Coaching. We won the Lombardy Region’s ‘Good Practices’ award for Responsible Companies.

From a corporate brand, MyNoiLab also becomes the new company name.

We commit ourselves to the publication of the UNI 11312-2 standard on the skills of the Planner, Coordinator and Auditor of Undercover Projects. In the meantime, we also applied for ISO 9001 certification for Strategic Consulting, building on the work of the last five years.

How we have changed
over the years

  • 2010

    MyNoiLab was established under the company name ‘Susanna Gonnella srl’ thanks to the tender "FIMSER of the Lombardy Region - Fund for innovation and entrepreneurship in the business services sector," after two years of experience between Mystery and Coaching, thanks to the desire to get involved by Susanna Gonnella.
  • 2011

    In 2011, the business model took shape in a Europe-wide registered brand name ‘Mystery Coaching®’. In the same year, the company obtained ISO 9001 certification for the Design and Delivery of Coaching Services for Individual and Organisational Development, Interpersonal Skills Training and Undercover Auditing.
  • 2012-2013

    We participate with coaching activities in the "GJUSTI: Green Jobs University Schools Territory Business" project aimed at high school students and financed by the Cariplo Foundation. We found, with 4 partners, the business network “Areté - imprese in rete” and supported the exhibition at Palazzo Reale entitled ‘Guido Crepax, portrait of an artist’.
  • 2014-2015

    We sponsored the Pop Economix Live Show, a Theatre Show on finance and the global crisis. In the year of EXPO2015, we founded the Mystery Auditing Italia Association together with a team of professionals.
  • 2016

    MyNoiLab was launched, the new corporate brand that united all our activities. We moved to our new creative space in Via Ariberto, 31 (Milan).
  • 2017

    The new version of UNI 11312 ‘Requirements and guidelines for the undercover auditing process’ was published.
  • 2018

    We celebrated 10 years of coaching in the profit and non-profit sector.
  • 2019

    We consolidated our specialisation in Organisational Coaching with ongoing projects in Individual Coaching, Group Coaching, Team Coaching, Human Resources Development Consulting and Mystery Coaching. We won the Lombardy Region’s ‘Good Practices’ award for Responsible Companies.
  • 2020

    From a corporate brand, MyNoiLab also became the new company name.
  • 2021-2022

    We dedicated ourselves to the publication of the UNI 11312-2 standard on the skills of the Planner, Coordinator and Auditor of Undercover Projects. In the meantime, we also applied for ISO 9001 certification for Strategic Consulting, building on the work of the last five years.
Our innovation

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